Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect the health of their unborn children
Have you ever seen a picture of an alcohol deformed face of a child?
Drinking during pregnancy can seriously affect the health and development of their unborn children.
These babies will have delay in their development, learning and behaviour problems.
Alcohol in a mother´ s blood crosses over to the baby through the placenta so that the baby will have the same blood level of alcohol as the mother.
The problem is around half of all pregnancies are not planned and women may not know they are pregnant until about the 6th week of the pregnancy or later.
If you stop drinking alcohol when you know that you are pregnant will increase your chances of having a healthy baby. We do not know how much alcohol during pregnancy is on a save level, less alcohol is better, but no alcohol is the best and safest choice. Some babies exposed to high levels of alcohol will die before they are born. The sad thing is that they do not care and so they continue drinking. babies affected by FAS are smaller than expected at birth and have unusal facial features including small eye-openings, small faces and jaws and thin upper lips.
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g: the health of one's unborn child
g: the development of an unborn child
- unborn child <-> babies - You jump ahead in time too much here.
exp/C?: their development will be delayed and they will get ... problems
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